The Rehearsal Process

Follow the Rehearsal Process of Illinois State University's production of The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Discoveries

This past week has been a good one....stressful and full of work but still good. Very productive. We have been in the CPA on our set since Sunday night. It is so nice to be able to settle into the world of Lockerbie. Lights and sound have been working over top of rehearsals so we have had a sneak peak at the loveliness to come when we fully integrate lights and sound and costumes.

We are now only ONE rehearsal away from tech....and I made profound discoveries at rehearsal tonight! It is amazing and thrilling to me that the team can be this close to tech and still willing to make discoveries and PLAY. The cast reminded me tonight that even though I tell them to continue to play and make new discoveries about the play all the time, that it is JUST as important for me to practice what I have been reminding them. I needed them to remind me of that tonight. They needed me to be reminded of that too. Though we are very close to tech and dress rehearsals, we STILL HAVE TIME TO PLAY & DISCOVER NEW THINGS ABOUT THIS SHOW! What a gift I was given to be reminded of that tonight.

Emily Gill
Director, The Women of Lockerbie